We Deliver Unbeatable Workplace Training in Australia.


So, you’re getting back to work. In offices. With other humans. Maybe even customers. In the flesh. Face to face.

Let’s hope that your team’s people skills haven’t stayed at home with the pajamas they were hiding on Zoom calls.

We’re back doing what we do best; training your people to be better versions of themselves. So, whether you’ve pivoted and lost headcount or just need to refresh how to deliver world class service to your customers, we’re here to help!

We’re a small learning and development company, making a big impact - one person at a time. Connection is everything to us so we want to talk, play, explore and engage with you…in person, face to face, like the good old days, but better.

Don’t take it from us…listen to our happy clients from recent leadership workshops.

Our Services

Bodkin offers a huge range of courses off the shelf, coupled with our passion for meeting a new, outcome focussed brief which challenges our creative chops.

We facilitate group training for 5-500 participants either in your workplace, remotely, or at one of our versatile city spaces.

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Why use Bodkin?

You want courses that are collaborative, fun, and action focussed. Bodkin Trainers are well read, quick as whips, generous with their time and expertise, and highly ambitious. We care and truly want to help everyone we work with to discover their best self.

…and you’ll have a brilliant day that you’ll be talking about for years (so our clients tell us).

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