Our People!

OK, we’re biased, but our trainers are AWESOME.

We’re people people who thrive on meaningful connection, bring a depth of experience, and a lightness of touch.

Bodkin Training fits the right team to each job.

  • If you need a digital solution, we have our go-to creatives and wunder-kids working for you.

  • When you require a specific skillset or industry experience in your facilitator, we’ll send you the very best from our talent pool to meet the brief.

  • Running Assessment Centres and require professionals to deliver the role plays? We have the talent in-house to deliver.

  • We work with a spectacular network of Instructional Design and Training Delivery professionals, so you’re always getting the very best in the market.

If you’d like to join the team, drop us a one-pager here. We’re always keen to meet excellent trainers who have energy, are willing to travel, and have broad experience to keep us chatting long into the night.

We look after clients in:

  1. Sydney

  2. Melbourne

  3. London

  4. Singapore

  5. Just ask…we can usually assemble a team of local legends to work with us at short notice.

Managing Director, Kevin MacIsaac, lives for laughter and learning in equal measure. He’s a deep thinker and a natural performer which brings a joyful balance to our company and to your training. His ethos is a simple but effective one; “Keep learning, surround yourself with great people, and love what you do.” It’s got us all this far.