Coaching for Individuals.

You already know Bodkin, and its founder, Kevin MacIsaac are renowned for delivering exceptional workplace training. But did you know we also power up individuals with 1:1 coaching?

Nobody does it alone and ALL top performers, teams, and organisations work with coaches to grow and sustain performance.

Whether you need to find your mojo again post Covid-slump, or realise your presenting is holding you back, we can work with you to dial in your skills and truly stand in your strengths.

We’ve helped executives and individual contributors with; assertive communication, negotiation, self-confidence, presentations & pitches, career planning, leadership development, storytelling and brand building

What are you capable of, with a little help from a friend?


for Leaders…

As a people or work leader, you know your team’s performance stops with you. You also know one of the main reasons for losing talent is them not having growth opportunities or a clear pathway for advancement.

But do you know how to coach and develop the skills, mindset, and behaviours your people need to thrive?

We teach you how to have coaching conversations that make people bigger, not smaller. We show you the proven techniques to build self-efficacy and confidence so you’re not the go-to for all the fixes.

With a well coached team, you’ll recover days of lost productivity as individual contributors think for themselves, solve problems with creativity and speed, while you’ll be out of the weeds, focusing on strategy, tactics, and building rather than operational detail.

While there are many models, templates, and acronyms for coaching, many point towards the same thing: What do you want to achieve, what are the current realities, how do you bridge the gap? Many will be familiar with the GROW Model, which is a great entry for leaders to begin thinking like a coach.

We can show you the best questions for exploring goals and options, and how to encourage your coachee to apply the thought process themselves. Effective performance coaching saves time, builds relationships and teams, develops capability, and helps manage capacity and workflow.

We’re also fans of narrative and ontological coaching but these skills are best reserved for advanced coaches who already have experience in coaching and mentorship.

If you want support developing your coaching skills to get the best from your people, ask us how we can help.

Grow coaching model.

GROW Coaching

Leadership Blog